I perked on the cushion with delight, drizzling the ozempic sprinkles upon my favorite cereal, Frosted Cakes (brought to you by Ce’real TM), as I scroll on my crueltyfree* APhoneDeluxe1000. In small print below the blank nutritional box, I read *stillcruel/notfree.
As my 3-D printed mandibles did their part, I quickly glanced away from the electric glow toward the window.
Static pink haze glazed the sun’s methodic beams.
Memories seemed to seep through the clouds once every while and it was one of those times again.
I haven’t spoken to my family in a while, I timed out on FaceMime awhile ago.
I used to miss them, now I just don’t know.
Like figurines lost in the vapors, it was difficult to picture their faces.
As the pink particles glistened like sugar, my stomach churned and moaned for a taste.
Fixated at this cotton candy landscape, I reminded myself that it wasn’t safe to go outside today.
What day is it?
What year is it?
They all seem to blend together.
Did you know that canned dog food is actually good for us?
Maybe I can send the drone to pick up a sample from CostGo.
This cereal sure is delicious and I haven’t gained any weight.
Say, I need to get another pallet.
I’ll use the CyberDash for that.
What a day so far…
I think it’s time for a nap.
Haven’t slept in a while, the stores ran out of HiQuill :) TM when the pink clouds came.
Good thing CostGo also sells HeadDull, it helps me forget how tired I am.
It also helps me focus on my ExperienceAllowance.
The more I Experience, the more Allowance I make.
It’s really a pain when I run out of HeadDull.
I start to remember things and it’s a nightmare.
That’s when I stay safe and scroll.
It keeps the old terrors at bay.
I can escape from the gnawing memories.
I used to cry and clench my teeth, despairing at this world.
I used to care.
I used to believe in God.
I used to smile and laugh.
I used to have pets, 2 dogs that I loved dearly.
I used to feel the warmth of my wife before I would drift into my dreams.
But they abandoned me, drifting into the night.
I chose the light.
The scientific breakthrough that changed the world.
The pink clouds I heard were designed to give us more time.
More light, more to do and more to explore.
It never gets dark here, therefore there is no need to rest.
With rest, I would have missed this objective eternity.
I chose live forever and they chose to die.
They chose to sleep.
There is too much to do to sleep.
Which reminds me.
The dog food, the HeadDull, and the HiQuill :) TM.
Oh right, they don’t sell HiQuill :) TM anymore.
Also, I need to figure out my FaceMime subscription or just remember that password….
A little bit more scrolling and I’ll get a move on with the order.
There’s never really a dull day here with this endless stream.
It is eternity after all.
With that chip in my brain, the APhoneDeluxe1000 gives me what I need and keeps things interesting.
Speaking of interesting, right on time.
The notification siren erupted in my kitchen and bright lights flashed with fervor.
My palms began to salivate in anticipation and my nerves began to tingle.
Ms. Feast was live. I can’t miss this one.
“For this challenge, we are in Normandy, France and the year…
1944….D Day!”
Ms. Feast always delivers. I remember her rising to the top of the ranks with the brilliant World War I challenge series, the Battle of the Somme being the most viewed experience in the history of YouExperience.
Over 50,000 contestants and only one winner.
I had a hunch this challenge might surpass it. The stakes and the drama - it had to be the best yet.
My heart lurched as the sound shattered my trance.
Fear surged like a tidal wave, flooding senses long dulled by routine. I jolted upright, breath shallow and erratic. My eyes darted across the room, scanning for the source, until they froze.
Spiderweb cracks snaked across the kitchen window, delicate lines splitting and spreading as if alive. The pink haze pressed against the fractures, its soft glow now menacing.
It wanted in.
Somewhere deep in the spellbound corners of my mind, a memory stirred.
Something about the haze.
Something we were told to forget.
Thank you for diving into Ozempic for Breakfast | Dogfood for Dinner!
This is just the beginning of a strange, unsettling journey into a future where the lines between progress and decay blur with every passing day. If you enjoyed Part 1, don’t worry - there’s more to come. I’ll be releasing a new part each month, unraveling this world layer by layer.
I’d love to hear your thoughts, theories, or questions about the story - feel free to reach out, and let’s keep this conversation going.
See you next month as we step deeper into the pink haze. Until then, stay curious, stay aware, and stay hungry.